Saturday, July 21, 2007

At home

That's where I am this weekend. I managed to make one card over the course of Thursday and Friday evenings, and another today that I can't share for a few weeks. Then I went to K-mart to pick up some necessities and lo and behold, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows snuck into my basket. I've been reading all afternoon and I'm page 243. I wasn't planning on reading all weekend, but I started to worry someone might spoil the ending for me - especially since I work in the media. So we'll see how much I can read before Monday! So blog updates may have to wait 'til next week. I hope you all understand ;)
Oh, and thanks to Heather at {Witty Title Here} I've been nominated as a Rockin' Girl Blogger! Thanks Heather. As soon as I finish the book, I will pay it forward to some of my blogging friends, if I can find some who haven't been nominated yet!

1 comment:

Corie said...

Congrats on the nomination. I have Harry too, but I am "savoring" it. I am trying to read it slowly, 'cuz it is the last one :(